Patron Survey 2017 | Library

Patron Survey 2017

IU Library would like to present the annual patron survey report. The emphasis of the 2017 Patron Survey is Loan Policy. The reason is the current policy, issued in 2012, could be outdated. If the demands of patrons have changed, proposals for updating policy are needed. Apart from loan policy, this survey would like to get other feedbacks from users regarding different aspects of library collections/services. According to the findings (see the full report below), IU Library should take actions on the following issues:

  • Propose updates/adjustments in loan policy (proposal sending to Board of Rectors is needed).
    • The proposal should focus on increasing the general loan-period for both staff and students.
    • For textbooks, the library should consider having the 1-semester loan option for those [staff] who need to use a particular textbook for teaching a given subject (if the book has multiple items).
    • For textbooks, the library should conisder having the short-loan option for students.
  • Compile a list of textbooks regularly requested by patrons but having few copies; then propose a purchase to get more copies.
  • Consider a subscription to (staff).
  • Inform the English Department and support it in purchasing more resources.
  • Review CAD/CAM and MatLab items and their policies. Policy adjustments and purchase applied if needed.
  • Accquire popular books [non-academic] to serve general reading needs.

The full report is available as attachment below.