2018 Library Survey (part-1): Opening Hour, E-books, Satisfaction
The objectitves of 2018 Library Survey are: to survey patrons’ satisfaction as usual + to get feedbacks on the needs of using E-books and accessing the library building at late afternoon or night. 300 Survey Forms were randomly delivered in the library and in some classroooms. 259 completed forms received.
Based on survey findings, the Library needs to prioritize the following tasks:
- Check and fix/replace broken chairs and other equipments.
- Report to Center of Information Technology about Wifi issues.
- Develop plans for expanding opening hours, then make proposal to BOR. Further surveys could be needed in VNU Dormitory. The new opening-hours plans should also consisder: 1/Students’ concerns about staying late at the univeristy, 2/ Library’s HR, 3/Statistis on library use during pilot periods.
- Explore more comprehensively patrons’ opninions on library collections. Recommendation: indepth-interviews with some patrons are needed.
- Continue to purchase more materials on self-help, business skills, general science, and literature.
- Proposal to BOR about plans for accessing e-books. The 2018 Survey’s results imply that users now have a demand to use electronic materials, including e-books. Responding to such demand helps expanding the reading/referencing scope, and therefore helps improving education quality.
For more details, please read the full report HERE.
Another supplementary survey being conducted at VNU Dormitory. The results will be available soon!